Do you know someone who has great health? They walk into a room and look vibrant, healthy and full of energy. Chances are it’s not just genetics. Do you want that vibrant health? I know I did when I became a naturopath.

It’s not just about vibrant health, it’s also about getting you out of your monthly pain and bad mood and getting you back into life every day of the month.

At The Period Pain Guru, I will look at your case individually. You are not a number and you are not a “hormonal condition”. You are a woman who needs to know what is going on in your body and needs to know what you can do about it with the guidance of a health care professional.

What The Period Pain Guru will do for you:

1).During an initial consultation testing about the environment of your body, along with a full case history will occur.

2). A plan will be made up especially for you. Hormone balancing as well as the causes of your hormone imbalance will make up this plan. Your plan will also include any other health issues you wish to discuss.

3). Dietary and lifestyle changes will be discussed if relevant to your needs.

4).Throughout the treatment plan, a saliva hormone test will be conducted showing exactly where your specific hormone imbalance is.

5) During the process of getting you back to vibrant health and free from period pain, different herbal and nutritional medicines will be suggested depending on each individual case.

Please note:

Please, only apply if you are serious about creating a change in your health. Working with a naturopath is not for everybody. It takes dedication, extra time and the willingness to make dietary and lifestyle changes. If this sounds like you and you could do with some guidance in your health matters, then please fill in the details below and someone will get back to you within 48 hours.

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